Manual Installation

Please be carefull this guide instruction requiring experience with HTML and Javascript. If you don't have any experience, please contact us to helping your installation.
  1. Add new product with this spesification:
    • Product name: Product Code
    • Product type: hidden-product
  2. Please remind the product handle.
  3. You can find the product handle at the bottom of the edit product form, click Edit Website SEO and then copy the last characters of the URL and Handle
  4. Edit your code, go to Online store themes. On the active themes click action and edit code
  5. Go to folder snippet and add new file with name bdd-uniquetrans.liquid
  6. Add this script:
    {% assign product = all_products['CHANGE WITH YOUR PRODUCT HANDLE'] %}
    {% if cart.item_count != 0 or product != '' or product.variants.first.available == true %}
      {% assign variant_id = %}
    		var cart_items = {{ cart.items | json }};
    		var variant_id = {{ variant_id }};
    {% else %}
    	var cart_items = cart['items'];
    	var variant_id = '0';
    {% endif %}
  7. Go to theme.liquid and then add this script before tag </head>.
    {% include 'bdd-uniquetrans' %}
  8. Input your product handle to this form
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